More Guilty Verdicts For “Black Widows” LOS ANGELES (CBS News)
Hollywood Residents Want Homeless Center Moved Residents Say Families Are Moving Out Of The Area HOLLYWOOD (CBS4) ?
Howard speaks at the 2008 Homeless Hate Crimes Press release
A Fort Lauderdale man who says he is trying to rid his neighborhood of drug addicts and criminals has been ordered by a judge to stay away from five homeless men, who say he is a vigilante who chased them with a chain saw and threatened to kill them.
Homeless man attacked with Molotov cocktail talks FAST FACTS:
Police say group of guys attacked 2 homeless men with Molotov cocktails. One victim suffered second and third-degree burns.
Four teens were charged in the attack on William Teeters in 2006, who told police he was reading a book in Esplanade Park when he was beaten and stabbed.