Help end homelessness, by supporting Scrap4Homes, a unique recycling program that refurbishes donated appliances, and provides free recycle pick up, and scrap metal removal services. Scrap4Homes then resales donated appliances, and recycles the scrap metal, and uses the money to provides financial support to(under funded) homeless shelters, outreach programs, and homeless prevention programs.
There is an endless flow of scrap metal being given away, and thrown away, everyday. If you doubt this, checkout the “free” section of, or check out what your neighbors are throwing away, in their trash pile, the next time you drive by. Household appliances like refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, washer and dryers, can be refurbished and resold for a 90% to 100% profit!
The best part is, is that all of this is made possible because of the scrap metal that most people consider trash and throw away everyday. Most households still do not recycle however, when provided with free pick-up and removal services most people would participate in recycling if it’s for a good cause. This is free money, that can be used to help end the homeless epidemic that has swept across our country. Most unwanted appliances end up at the scrap yards, where they are destroyed, for their metals. So why not help the homeless with those unwanted items, and help restore our communities with these free resources?
Scrap4homes Programs:
*) Organizing local volunteers, for neighborhood clean-up projects.
*) Provide multiple (appliance and recycling) drop-off locations in each city.
*) Buying unwanted appliances, medical equipment, and machinery at auctions, then disassemble them, separating the valuable copper, and aluminum, from the steel. Buy doing this Scrap4homes can double and even triple our investment.
*) Recruiting the support of youth groups (The Boys & Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts) to organize aluminum can drives.
Our dream is to create a model (Scrap4Homes), for people from different cities to duplicate with programs of their own, resulting in the end of homelessness in America and maybe worldwide.
Scrap4Homes Wish List:
Pick-up trucks & utility vans
A large truck with a lift-gate
Warehouses and or land
Seed capital
Spreading the word about the Scrap4Homes program.
Why Support Scrap4Homes?
Scrap4Homes helps fight homelessness
Scrap4Homes helps clean up the environment
Scrap4Homes creates jobs for shelter and homeless people
My name is Larry Spain and I believe that God inspired me to create Scrap4Homes and I feel blessed and privileged to help put an end to homelessness. I would like to implement this program across our country and around the world, and end homelessness, one city at a time.
If you like the idea of turning peoples trash into cash for the homeless, then please support the Scrap4Homes program, by sharing our links and spread the word about what we are trying to do.
Contact Scrap4Homes
Help Support the Scrap4Homes recycling program
End Homelessness, With Your Garbage!