Gods’ will be done on earth as it is in heaven. A line most all of us are familiar with from the timeless and beautiful prayer the Our Father. I had some vacation time coming so I booked a trip to Colorado to visit my son. Two days before I was scheduled to leave, this lunatic opens fire in an Aurora movie theatre and kills twelve people and injures fifty more. I was staying one town
over from Aurora and naturally it was constantly on the local news. There were prayer vigils and flowers and people just trying to find answers to this senseless horrible act. They had a man on the news one night who was behind the gunman as he was showering the theatre with bullets and as he was turning in his direction the gun jammed. While the gunman struggled with the weapon the young man was able to escape. The reporter asked how he felt about that and he said the gun jamming was an act of God and that saved him.
My dear friends if God was in that movie theatre and could jam that weapon why would He wait so long? I am sure He was there screaming and crying as He watched His little precious children being slaughtered. God does not take away our free will even when He should. God only gives, never takes. If The Almighty were to interfere in our lives to make our world like heaven
then it would not be our world. I think many of us would like God to step in and remove hatred and violence from our world, but it doesn’t seem to be set up that way. Like it or not, we make Gods’ will be done. God has given us this planet and all that is upon it and a commandment to love one another.
I ask you to pray my friends that Gods’ will be done, and that you and I can be given the courage to make Gods’ will a reality on earth.
Peace, Deacon Bob
On Spirituality