Our Annual September 11 Tribute
67-year-old Jose Perez died from injuries sustained during a brutal attack.The beating began after Jose yelled a pick up-line to Janice Guillen,18,who then punched Perez.When Perez retaliated,Guillen’s boyfriend, Magdiel Wingfield,28 and their friends Jason Cardenas,19,and Kevin Stone,27,rushed to the scene where the four friends proceeded to attack Perez with chairs,steel rebar and other objects.
Information on the Pandemic Bird Flu.
Information on Disaster Planning
Sean Cononie and Priscilla Taylor go to Tallahassee year after year, bringing the attention of the recent homeless hate crimes hoping to get laws passed for a stiffer penalty for attacks on the homeless.
A new comedy raising concern in South Florida. Advocated took to the streets in Hollywood. Date Movie falls on the heals of a disturbing trend, especially in this area.