It was about six years ago I would see this young lady come into the shelter and cut peoples hair. It would be 9 am when I saw her and she would leave at 10 pm the same day. After seeing her come in a few times a month for several months I finally went up to her and introduced myself to her. I thought to myself this is strange she comes in and does this every month for free and she does not at least try to meet me since she was putting in so much time. So I met up with her and found out that this is what she wanted to do for the homeless. I had no idea at first she was coming in to get community service hours for a small arrest she had. She was ordered to do I think 40 hours but for three years after she kept on coming in and did 40 hours a month cutting the homeless peoples hair all for free.
I found out she lost 150 or 200 pounds all by herself and I was so amazed she did it on her own. One day I had an emergency press conference on a homeless person murder and my hair was a mess. I worked so many hours and at times I would never leave the shelter for months at a time because I slept there even when my home was a mere five to six miles away. So the press was coming in one hour and she was at the shelter. I called her up over the PA system to my office and said hey can you cut my hair in a hurry for a press conference and she said yes and in a matter of minutes she was at my desk cutting my hair. She went to work and 20 minutes later my hair looked better than ever before. I asked her how much and she said ” Free” I said no, I have money and you should get something as a reward for coming here all the time. So after a few minutes of her saying no I finally got her and she took my cash for my haircut. It has been a few years now and I see her at my home every month. As most of you who know me I have no time in the day for personal things so her coming by my home really helps me save three hours a month and that is a lot of time by her coming to me.
This little, now skinny girl was just a child in her new life and she shared it with me before her book came out. She said “Sean can I sit down and talk to you. I think you will be ok with me after I tell you something but I am scared.” She had tears coming from her little eyes and was shaking. I said to her honey you can tell me anything and you should know I don’t judge people. So she went on to tell me her story. She came to the shelter for a crime of prostitution and she looked so relieved when she told me this. I said to her relax, that’s it you were a hooker. Big deal. She went on to tell me more and she started to smile and smile.
This young lady had the tools to recover from every aspect of her life. That in itself is a hard job to do. She was the mechanic and she repaired herself one repair at a time until she was normal weight, healthy and no longer prostituting herself. I got the book and I am using the book to lose weight and to improve my own health. Follow her journey and see if this book can help you. It is a really good way to understand how to improve yourself where you are broken.
I started writing this book, believe it or not, nine years ago. I had nowhere to call home and was spending my nights in my car, or when I could scrape the money together, in a hotel room I’d been turning tricks in that day. I was nearly 300lbs and in a desperate and depressed mental state. I was ashamed of my life and knew there was no way I could live like this forever. I began journaling my experience and committed that someday this would be the beginning of my own personal success story.
Unfortunately, things only seemed to get worse from there. Two years later I found myself in jail. I didn’t know how to even begin to change my whole life, but with my health declining, I decided to put my focus there. Within a year I had lost 100lbs with clean eating and exercise and the physical transformation became a catalyst for a total life transformation. For the first time, I began to value myself and actively work toward living a life I could be proud of.
Today I work as a lifestyle change and fitness mentor, hosting retreats and helping women all over the country to realize that not only the body, but life they dream of, is within reach. I’ve maintained more than a 100lb weight loss for over five years and even though I am off depression and anxiety medication for the first time since childhood, I feel better than ever mentally. I am living a life even better than the one I was dreaming of and it’s finally time to share my story.
In Until Recently I share the details of my early life experiences, dark past, and the steps I took to create a life I am excited to wake up for. This book is my heart and soul on paper and will inspire anyone to believe the changes they want to make and the life they want to live can be reality.
Until Recently will be available on and on December 28, 2017. You can also find it on Kindle, Nook and iTunes in early 2018.